Plans are afoot for informal, 1-day gettogethers this fall, on both Coasts. More details will be forthcoming as plans jell.

Meanwhile, check out the Members in the News page to see who has rendezvouzed recently.


We continue to plan our next 'big' reunion, in Fall 2009 at Chicago, and are looking at hotel sites as well as dates. Our goal is to stick to the last weekend in September or in early October, depending on the best deals.


Please dig out your old photos, stories, memories, amusing anecdotes, etc., so that we can post more DCS class graduation photos and fond memories.. If you are computer-savvy and can scan and e-mail your photos, please do so and send them to [email protected]. If not, consider letting us borrow them; they’ll be scanned and returned to you post-haste. Contact us at the the same e-mail address for details.

Sadly, the complete set of class pictures has been lost. Please dig deep and help us fill in the holes.

If you've not already done so, check out the Class Pictures page and see if yours is posted. If not, it's time to start digging through your treasures and get that photo to us. We won't rest until all the classes are represented!

We also have a few question marks (?) where people in the pictures have not been identified; let us know if you can provide names. Tony Procaccino just identified himself in the Class 73-2 picture, while Robert Arnon (Class 70-01) found us and Ernie Graeser recently checked in, thereby removing himself from the "M.I.A." list.

(Updated 2/22/08)