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Bulletin: The TWA Seniors Need YOU!

In an effort to reach out to as many former TWA people as possible who may not be aware of the activities of the TWA Seniors Club, and the many other active TWA groups, we are sending you this e-mail letter and asking you read it, and consider joining the TWA Seniors Club. If you are already a member, thank you, and we hope that you will help us by passing this e-mail on to other TWA friends and colleagues that you communicate with.

From the Decadent Decaders of the 1940’s to the Conquistadors of the early 1960’s to the present-day TWA Seniors Club, the group is alive and well, at the international, national and local levels. Lifelong friendships have been made by many TWAers during their careers, and the desire to retain those ties is evidenced by the interest and enthusiasm for the TWA Seniors Club and the local Chapters.

Even those Seniors who are not able to participate in the National and local club’s activities, such as tours, luncheons, dinners, etc., report that they keep in touch with the TWA family by means of the clubs newsletter, now known as the TWA Seniors Skyliner, and still feel they are much a part of their TWA legacy.

The newsletter is published and mailed 4 times each year to all members of the TWA Seniors Club. We also maintain an outstanding website that you may visit at the following link: We are also providing you with a link to review a few samples of recent back-issues of our TWA Seniors Skyliner newsletter, at: where in addition to the 4 newsletter displays, you will find a membership form that we hope you will print out and mail to the club Treasurer.

The Seniors Club’s newsletter, now in its’ 44th year of publication, was originally printed and mailed in Kansas City by TWA, and sent to all retirees six times a year, until recent times when the TWA Seniors Club assumed all of the financing and logistics of carrying on the newsletter’s long standing tradition.

Along with the social aspect, the TWA Seniors Club carries on the tradition of preserving the legacy of TWA, and the work of maintaining employee records. We also work closely with American Airlines to keep you informed of any benefit changes and in helping to resolve any issues that may affect the TWA retiree group.

As we look forward to 2010 and beyond, we hope that you will consider joining our organization and keep your TWA heritage alive.

Membership in the TWA Seniors Club is by calendar year with dues covering January 1, through December 31, of each year. Dues are $15.00 per year. With membership renewals due January 1, 2010, this would be an excellent time to join or renew an expired membership and receive all of the upcoming 2010 newsletters.

We look forward to seeing you on board for 2010 and beyond. Thank you,

The TWA Seniors Club Executive Committee: Francine Daino, President, Dave Richards, Vice President, Carl Barley, V.P. Public Relations & TWA Seniors Skyliner Editor, Loretta Hammers, Treasurer, Betty Bombatch, Secretary, Annie Picard, International V.P, Marc Brecy, V.P. Website Administration, Mike Swift, President Emeritus.

Remember to visit the following links for more information about the TWA Seniors Club. and



(Click on underlined URL)

TWA legend: Paul E Richter –

Spirit of TWA, Coast-to-Coast flight –

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TWA Flight 843

TWA Seniors Club – Http:// 

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