Thursday Field Trip!

Twenty of us ventured into Chicago for the Cubs-Brewers baseball game at beautiful Wrigley Field, then enjoyed drinks at the cocktail lounge atop the Hancock Building and dinner in the City.


train station

Heading for the city, a dozen alums rode the Metra train downtown



A view of the Star-Spangled Banner ceremony from our section; we had great seats!



Action on the field; sadly, the Cubbies fell to those hated Brewers.



Second row: Penny (Donahue) Logan and family

Front: Mert Nason and Chris McNeely



Joe and Belinda Hobbs



Post-game portrait; our gang proved we could have fun despite a Cubs loss!



Breathtaking views from the top of the Hancock Building in the Chicago Loop



Enjoying adult beverages in the sky-high lounge on the 96th floor.

Jon Proctor, Jerry Warkans, Judy Rogers, Belinda and Joe Hobbs, Leslie and Glenn Dyer, Travis and Karen (Coggan) MacClendon, Mert Nason