2023 Tucson, AZ

  • October 16 - 19, 2023
  • The Lodge on the Desert in Tuscon
How all this came about amazed me, I thought when the lights went out in KC that was it.  Apparently not.  Years of friendships and memories that were made during our “coming of age” at TWA were not ready to go peacefully into the night, and after a few conversations with Jerry and Evie we decided to try a downsized version of the great past reunions. So, we took out the Perlie, Jerry, Jon and Evie playbook and began to make plans.  October was still the preferred time, however midweek replaced the weekend because hotel prices were lower and travel would be less stressful.
The “where” was a no brainer – TUS, the Lodge in the Desert, and once again they did not disappoint. They came up with the best rate for the dates we wanted and TUS did the rest.
On a more personal note, I think the timing for our gathering made all the difference, and at the risk of sounding mawkish, I think we needed this time together.  The world we knew at TWA
was now in the past but the great memories are always there.  Thankfully we were privileged to live them and can now choose whichever one we want for that mental reset from these troubled times.
Nowhere was that more evident than at last night dinner. We all sat family style at one long table –  good food, good wine and an endless line of conversation and laughs – our group dominated
the dining room.  Of course, didn’t we always, thankfully some things never change.  An ever accommodating Svein was all too happy to take pictures for the nearby bachelorette party.
As the evening came to a close and we walked back to the hotel we realized that during  dinner we became more acquainted with one another and especially that colleague sitting next to
us and promised ourselves to keep in touch.  I’m sure we will, and then the “Irish goodbye”…
As you can see there was no magic in putting this together, I was amazed at how easy it was.  Anyone with some time on their hands and wants to have a reunion with their TWA friends can
make this happen.  As for another reunion, that depends on who wants to go somewhere …preferably in Oct 2024.
I’ll be happy to help in any way I can.

Attendee List

Sandy and Carol King
Pam and Gary Smedile
Jerry Warkans
Svein Husevold
Paul McGowan
Barbara Gow
June Donahue
Evelyn Mercado
John and Marilyne McCall
Jennifer Larssen
Mert & Juanita Nason
Dee Schivelli
Sonja Doherty