Steve Dolby releases new book

Steve Dolby releases his new book, BOOMER

Author Recounts Adventurous Lifetime as a Baby Boomer in Newly Released Memoir

Author Steven R. Dolby grew up on the leading edge of the Baby Boomer generation. “We were 76 million strong and raised at a time characterized by parental discipline and kids who knew how to create their own entertainment, although some of the antics we considered harmless fun would be criminal by current standards,” says Dolby.

Dolby’s book titled Boomer tells his story of growing up in a military family with six siblings, the multitude of moves the family made over the years to facilitate his father’s career, the friends from Okinawa to Omaha he made along the way, and the innocence of youth interrupted by reaching draft age during the Vietnam War.


Boomer is filled with amusing anecdotes about Dolby’s childhood, his contentious relationship with his father, his experiences as an officer in the military, along with the stories of other colorful characters who served with him, and his return to civilian life as he finished college and went to work as a Director of Customer Service for Trans World Airlines. In descriptions of his journeys around the world, Dolby entertains the reader with accounts of the celebrities on board – the good, the bad, and the ugly — and ordinary people who made flights memorable with their wildly inconsiderate behavior or with their extremely kind gestures. The story continues with the author’s career changes, the divorce he didn’t see coming, and the joy of a family life that followed.


Boomer takes readers through relatable experiences, told through Dolby’s personal stories and humorous writing style. Finally, the mysterious chapter titles will keep readers turning pages to find out what happens next. Boomer is available online at:

About the author: Steven R. Dolby was born in Port Arthur, Texas in 1945, the second of seven children. During his childhood, Dolby’s family moved frequently as his father’s career as an Air Force pilot required. In his youth, Dolby attended both private Catholic and public schools. He was drafted in 1967, attended Officer Candidate School, and served in Germany in the US Army as a First Lieutenant in a nuclear-capable artillery battalion. Following his service, he graduated from California State University, Northridge with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business/Marketing and went to work for Trans World Airlines where he managed Boeing 747 flights to Europe, the Middle East, and the Far East. Following his years with Trans World Airlines, Dolby became an investment and financial advisor, a career that took him through over four decades. He is currently retired and has been married to his wife, Yvonne, for 45 years. They live in Phoenix, Arizona and have two children, three grandchildren, and a Labrador Retriever.