2022 DCS Reunion will be held in Kansas City, September 23-25, 2022.

Final Call: Many of us began our DCS careers in Kansas City and this year we return for our final Association-organized event, September 23-25.  It will be our 25th DCS Reunion.

Our 2022 event promises to be a grand finale. Headquartered at the Hotel in Kansas City, MO | Kansas City Marriott Downtown convenient to many entertainment venues and familiar TWA landmarks, we kick-off with a Friday night reception in Marriott’s 12th Street Jazz Club meeting room and cap off with a memorable dinner Saturday night also in the Marriott 12th Street Jazz Club.  Early-bird arrivals on Thursday evening will enjoy a reception/party at the TWA Museum At 10 Richards Road (at nearby Downtown Airport, MKC; Yes, TWA’s first corporate home!)

The DCS Alumni website, twadcs.org has been updated with dates and hotel information under Reunions.   Book your hotel by clicking the special link.  The Reunion hotel rate is $179.00 per night (plus tax) and is available three days before and after the official reunion for those who want to arrive early or stay late.

Updates to the attendees list will be made as you indicate your plan to attend.

“Goin’ to Kansas City, Kansas City here we come!”
