Looking for Photos & Memories

Do we have your class photo? Sadly, the complete set of pictures was lost many years ago. Please dig deep and help us fill in the holes. We won’t rest until all the classes are represented! We also have a few question marks (?) where people in the pictures have not been identified; let us know if you can provide names.

In addition, we would welcome your old photos, stories, memories, amusing anecdotes, etc., so that we can post more DCS memories on our Member Pages. If you are computer-savvy and can scan and e-mail your photos, please do so and send them to us. If not, consider letting us borrow them; they’ll be scanned and returned to you post-haste.

Finally, we are linking photos on our In Memoriam page. If you have snapshots of any of those fine DCSs we’ve lost, please send them as well.

Send your photos to us at: [email protected]